What if I do not want to exceed 1 millisievert of exposure?
The only medical personnel exposed to radiation levels above 1 millisievert are those involved in certain highly specialized procedures.
The 1 millisievert per year dose criterion is intended to ensure the general public living near facilities using radiation are not exposed to unnecessary exposure levels. However, radiation workers receive specialized training, understand protection methods, and have their exposure dose levels accurately measured with a dosimeter. Consequently, the criterion value specified to ensure such personnel can continue working safely is 100 millisieverts within a five year period. However, in reality, except for certain medical practitioners and radiological technologists involved in frequent IVR procedures, about 80 % of all personnel are exposed to less than one millisievert per year.
In most cases, aversion to exposure is simply due to a lack of information. Ask a radiation manager about the average dose level of personnel already involved in a radiation procedure you are to perform, repeatedly attend on-site radiation training, or determine ways to reduce exposure dose levels together with radiation managers or medical safety personnel. Many patients need radiological medical procedures.