Basics of Radiation Protection (Medical Exposure)
The person responsible for medical exposure is the medical practitioner.
Exposure due to radiological examinations and treatments received by patients during medical procedures is handled as medical exposure. Dose limits are not prescribed for medical exposure. Responsibility for the dose rests with the medical practitioner. This is based on the idea that if dose limits to patients themselves are set, limitations will arise regarding the content of examinations and treatments, with the risk that the benefits to patients may be compromised. Accordingly, the medical benefit to the patients is given top priority. Manage the exposure required for diagnosis using diagnostic reference levels, with consideration to excessive exposure. In addition, exposure with respect to the patient's family and to research volunteers is included in the category of medical exposure, from the point of view that this is included in practices associated with benefits to the patient. However, since this is not about the patients themselves, appropriate management is called for with respect to the patient's family through administrative notices (MHLW Ministerial Ordinance 1108) and with respect to research volunteers through “Proposals Regarding Radiation Protection for Biomedical Research Applicants,” published by the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine.